Ben's Miniature Gallery

This is a gallery of my painted miniatures. Feel free to email me with any comments or questions.


Twi'lek Slicer (part 2) added Sep 23, 2005
There were actually two stages completed before these pictures were taken. the first stage saw the addition of feet and some fleshing out of the legs. I also made the basic head shape, which I left flat on the back to receive the twi'lek head-tails later.

Next, I made some flat sheets of putty and began applying them to form the trenchcoat. I didn't try to make exact shapes, since the putty is difficult to cut cleanly and tends to stretch out of shape easily anyway. I could have waited for the sheets to cure some, but instead I just worked with them in their initial soft form and let the coat grow organically. I started with a large triangular section that went down the back and around the straight right leg. It ended up with a curved hem, which I thought looked pretty neat. I trimmed the rest of the coat even with the ground. I added more small pieces, and ended up with the cross-over closure at the front more or less by accident. I turned back the collar there and added further pieces to conform to the style that had. I added a large collar at the back and the bottom portion that is falling back from her upraised leg. I wanted to have more leg exposed, but it just didn't happen that way. Finally, I used the edge of an x-acto knife to add the texture to the collar. This was the end of the first stage.

After the head and coat had had time to cure, I went back and added the tops of the boots (I may have doone that just after adding the coat, I don't recall) I also added the knife sheath strapped to her leg. With the coat falling so low there, it's hard to figure out just what that is, so I added the belt with another knife at the small of her back. The character carries several knives, so it works.

I put a fresh layer of putty on the face and worked it into the right shape. This face worked out much better than the last one. I'll probably try to add eyeballs in the empty sockets later, but I want to make sure the rest of the face is well cured before I start messing around with things like that. I added the head-tails and their bindings. Last, I shaped a couple of tiny blobs of putty into ears.

The ruffly texture of the shirt wasn't really a design decision so much as an inability to get that area smooth after putting the coat on. There were some holes in the torso that needed to be filled, but I couldn't get the right tool in there without messing up the coat. In the end, I just rouched it up and called it fashion.

Finally, I bent the arms into position. There is going to be a computer hanging from a strap around her neck, propped up on her raised leg. I had orginally intended for the strap to actually go around her neck, but now that I look at the pictures there are going to be some head-tails in the way. I feel confident that I'll be able to improvise a solution.

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