Ben's Miniature Gallery

This is a gallery of my painted miniatures. Feel free to email me with any comments or questions.


Woman With Bastard Sword added Sep 23, 2005
I've had this mini for a long, long time. I stripped her down and repainted her at one point when I was too cheap to buy new minis.

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Woman With Axe added Sep 23, 2005
She's another fairly plain looking woman, but at least she doesn't get mistaken for a man. This shield looked like it wanted a more Viking sort of design, so that's what it got.

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Windblown Wizard added Sep 23, 2005
A nice demure wizard in earth tones.

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Woman Drawing Sword added Sep 23, 2005
Another female warrior I picked up long ago to increase gender diversity. I repainted her at one point mainly to paint her shield.

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Town Guard added Sep 23, 2005
These guys get a lot of use as (naturally) town guards. The guy in blue was my very first attempt at plaid. Also, he has experimental heraldry on his shield. One of the crossbowmen is for some reason a Freemason.

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Thieves' Guild added Sep 23, 2005
Not much to say about these guys, except that the guildmaster is awfully shiny for someone who's supposed to be stealthy.

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Tattooed Necromancer added Sep 23, 2005
This guy gets quite a bit of use playing evil wizards and clerics. His big bald head just screamed for tattoos.

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Swashbuckler added Sep 23, 2005
Until recently, this was pretty much the only fencer type mini I had. I have always been very pleased with the paint job on him, though I need to get around to touching up the chip on his hat.

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Female Thief added Sep 23, 2005
Even though she's not the best painted, this leather clad lady gets a fair amount of use. She often gets cast as a shadow when I need more than one.

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The Shadow added Sep 23, 2005
This elvish (I think) warrior was repainted at one point and ended up a little dark. I was in need of something to portray a shadow, and he was immediately typecast for life. Whenever I need a shadow, wraith, or what have you, he gets tapped.

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Evil Cleric With Serpent Staff added Sep 23, 2005
A very plain, dark paint job, but it works. He gets a fair amount of use playing bad guys.

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Mounted Sea Elf added Sep 23, 2005
I've had this mini for a long, long time. During one of my repainting binges I stripped off the second of two awful paint jobs and started over. The zig-zag pattern is based on a similar heraldic treatment seen in a medieval manuscript.

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Savage Sisters, Female Mercenaries added Sep 23, 2005
I don't remember if I got this set because I needed the redhead to portray one of my characters or if it went the other way around. Either way, they did a good job of increasingthe variety of my female warriors. Their uniform consists of a strip of blue and white striped cloth. The half-orc and dwarf are my only females of those persuasions, but they still rarely get use. The one with the crossbow bears the mysterious flame motif as well.

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Sahuagin added Sep 23, 2005
I got these guys recently because I figured they would see some action in my Freeport campaign. They haven't yet, but it's still early. All the weapons in this set came as separate pieces, so I had a lot of fun mixing and matching. Some of the weapons had rings on them that cried out for lanyards, so I made some out of superglue-soaked thread. I was also quite pleased with the paint jobs on these guys.

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Rhino Rider added Sep 23, 2005
This was a repaint of an old mini, though the armor is really not very well done. He is, however, an example of a flame motif I've applied randomly to a number of minis. What it signifies I don't know, but there it is.

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Female Fighter With Bastard Sword added Sep 23, 2005
I've always been plased with this paint job, and she has gotten regular use as a variety of female fighter types.

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Cleric In Red CLoak added Sep 23, 2005
I think this is a Ral Partha piece, but I'm not sure. He portrays Brother Edwin (Egil) in my Freeport campaign.

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Fighter With Raised Sword added Sep 23, 2005
The actual sculpt on this mini isn't very good, and his sword hand has a habit of falling off. He had a nice shield though, so I repainted him to make use of it.

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Rainbow Robed Mage added Sep 23, 2005
This was a fun little repaint of a mini that had been lying around for years.

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Woman In Purple With Mace added Sep 23, 2005
This mini really illustrates the difference in size between old school Ral Partha minis and the more recent "heroic scale" figures. Next to Reaper ladies she's quite miniscule. This is an example of painting shields to try out heraldry. She is actually painted based on my wife.

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One-Eyed Jack added Sep 23, 2005
It's too bad that I got this mini during my shiny phase. He could have looked much better than he does.

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Pixie added Sep 23, 2005
I got his mini for someone's character that, naturally, never got played. I was pretty happy with how the paint job turned out, though.

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Old Necromancer added Sep 23, 2005
I've always liked the amount of movement in this mini. I think this was one of the first times I painted black by doing a series of black washes over dark gray. It's a far superior method than simply painting solid black.

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Monk With Nunchaku added Sep 23, 2005
I got this guy when I switched to 3e D&D because I had no monks.

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Minotaurs added Sep 23, 2005
When I saw these minotaurs in a bin of old minis I just couldn't resist. I never get to use them, but they're very nice to look at.

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Lizard Man added Sep 23, 2005
I think this is a Ral Partha mini, but I'm not sure. If I recall correctly, I got this one from someone else as part of a mystery lot to repaint.

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Female Ranger With Hawk added Sep 23, 2005
After a long lull in my painting, this mini that I had left unpainted got me back into it. She doesn't get used much, unfortunately.

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Half-Troll Champion added Sep 23, 2005
This mini came to me from a friend. I repainted him to play a character in a game I was running. He actually got used for a long time before I ran out of steam and let the campaign fizzle. His tiny base made him very unstable, so I glued him to a penny.

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Ranger With Green Cloak added Sep 23, 2005
An old mini. I think this is his original paint job, which is pretty impressive considering his age.

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Gladiators added Sep 23, 2005
I don't remember why I picked these guys up, as I have no real use for them. I was pretty pleased with their skin tones, though.

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Warrior Charging With Greatsword added Sep 23, 2005
I think this guy was listed as some sort of evil or chaos warrior, but I don't remember. I repainted him in an effort to make him look a little better, but he's just so small and busy that it's hard to pick out the details. He often is cast as a shadow when I need more than one.

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Fighter With Flaming Sword Shield added Sep 23, 2005
I think this is a Ral Partha piece. He is a good example of when I was doing NMM but had flat paints again. It's not apparent in the picture, but there is a horrendous mold line down the center of his head that I couldn't fix.

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Female Thief added Sep 23, 2005
I'm fairly certain this is a Ral Partha mini. I've had it for several years, but I like the paint job so I decided to get a picture of it. Unlike a lot of my stranger minis, she gets a fair amount of use.

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Elite Guards added Sep 23, 2005
There's not much interesting to say about these guys, but I think they're very pretty and I use them fairly often.

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Elf Guard added Sep 23, 2005
I've had this mini for years and years -- long enough that he's actually made of lead. I repainted him a while back and it was a great improvement.

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Dwarf With Pick added Sep 23, 2005
Not much interesting here except heraldry.

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Dwarf With No Name (Western Tribe) added Sep 23, 2005
This old Ral Partha novelty was impossible to resist. He gets to play lightly armored dwarves occasionally, since most dwarf minis are like little walking tanks. He is usually referred to a Clint Dwarfwood.

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Dwarf With Axe added Sep 23, 2005
A nice example of my NMM phase as well as some experimental heraldry. Small fleur-de-lys are a pain.

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Crystal Dragon added Sep 23, 2005
This is actually the Ral Partha "Highland Dragon", but I painted it for a friend who was playing a crystal dragon. I was quite pleased with the way it turned out. I painted it silver and applied a series of blue washes.

I actually have a whole drawer full of dragons, but I'm not terribly happy with most of their paint jobs and many of them are broken.

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Cyranim added Sep 23, 2005
This mini was painted to portray my elven fire elementalist Cyranim, one of my most successful characters. He was painted during my shiny NMM phase. It was hard to find an elven wizard that was sufficiently plain looking -- Cyranim spent most of his career dirt poor.

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Woman With Mace added Sep 23, 2005
Yes, it's a woman. She's not very pretty and she has hardly any chest, but she was indeed listed as a woman. I repainted her during a heraldic phase, and I'm very happy with the way she turned out.

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Chaos Warrior added Sep 23, 2005
This guy languished for years with a pathetic paint job including unpainted armor. I repainted him as sort of a little brother to the Reaper Cave Troll Champion.It was a great improvement. Someday I may get around to redoing the mounted version.

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Female Ranger added Sep 23, 2005
How she goes tromping around in the woods wearing white without getting dirty I don't know. I was very happy with the shading on her cloak.

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Female Ranger added Sep 23, 2005
This lady isn't quite as dashing as her white clad colleague, but she's okay.

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Soldier With Big Shield added Sep 23, 2005
I've had this Ral Partha mini for years and years. I repainted it to serve as a bodyguard for an evil enchantress character. I usually don't repaint old minis, but this one didn't have much sentimental value and was a good enough mini to be worth the trouble. He is part of a two-figure set; the other is a spearman. If anyone happens to have an old RP catalog handy and can identify them, I would be much obliged.

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Bard With Red Doublet added Sep 23, 2005
This guy is on his second paint job. Currently he is playing Delthic Duin, a half-elven bard NPC in the Freeport campaign, mostly because he's the only bard I've got.

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Bandit Lying In Ambush added Sep 23, 2005
There was a time when I was getting back into painting again where I didn't have quite all the supplies I wanted. I think I only had gloss paints or I only had gloss clear coat. Either way, there were a few minis that ended up very shiny. I also didn't have any metallic paints at the time, so I had to do NMM (non metallic metal) before I knew it had a name.

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Three Stage Wizard added Sep 23, 2005
Only the low-level version has ever gotten any use. Like most of the other three stage minis, the bases are far too skinny to be stable. The shading on the green cloak is still one of my favorites.

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Three Stage Fighter added Sep 23, 2005
These guys were part of a move to upgrade my selection of plain old fighters. Two of them have experimental heraldry on their shields, while the other one ended up looking like a stormtrooper. The bases on these are very tippy. If I were painting them now I would definitely rebuild the bases.

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Three Stage Halfling added Sep 23, 2005
Not much to say about these guys, except that they have gotten a lot of use playing every halfling that comes along.

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Three Stage Elven Fighter-Mage added Sep 23, 2005
Only the low-level version has ever gotten any use, but he's infuriatingly unstable. I actually had to tape him down to get this picture. If I were painting these now I would definitely rebuild the bases.

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Three Orcs added Sep 23, 2005
I picked these orcs up from a bin of old Ral Partha minis. I needed to update my rather frumpy orc population. I am a firm believer in multi-colored orcs. I also support the decorative nailing of hands to shields.

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