Ben's Miniature Gallery

This is a gallery of my painted miniatures. Feel free to email me with any comments or questions.


Mercenary With Goatee (sculpt) added Sep 23, 2005
There's not much exciting about the pose on this one, but I worked on some other issues this time around. First, I printed out a template based on a scaled-down skeleton image. I used that to make sure the proportions of my armature were correct. After the scale issues I had on the last one, I decided to be a bit more careful this time around. It worked pretty well.

I also wanted to make a better weapon this time than a featureless rectangle. I did a little research, looking for a weapon to use as a template that didn't look like the typical modern assault rifle. I decided to make a bullpup-style rifle. I roughed it out with a milliput/gs mixture around a piece of wire. I filed and cut it down to the basic shape I wanted, then added the clip and handles with beige putty. The two putties didn't stick together well enough, so I ended up building up the sides with beige putty as well to anchor the extra bits on. In the end, the front grip broke off and I had to glue it back on.

The merc's body was roughed out with milliput again, then the details were added with beige putty from the feet up. as I was getting to the arms and last details, my new supply of green stuff arrived in the mail. I'm quite pleased with it. It's hard to see how it's going to look with all the different colored putties, but I think it will be pretty good once it's painted.

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