Ben's Miniature Gallery

This is a gallery of my painted miniatures. Feel free to email me with any comments or questions.


Cowboy Bounty Hunter (sculpt) added Sep 23, 2005
One of the things I wanted to do with this sculpt was to make use of the somewhat oversized shotgun I had built some time ago. Not only was this guy big enough to not be dwarfed by the shotgun, i decided that he was big enough to fire it one handed. Maybe not very realistic, but impressive. To accomodate the giant gun, i had to give him very large hands, but they didn't seem too out of line with the rest of his body. I added to the body one roll and fold at a time, and I must say I'm quite pleased with the final shape. I did the same thing on the face, starting with a basic face mask built over the original stub, then adding chins and jowls until it looked right.

This is the first mini I've done since i got my new supply of green stuff, and I must say it's a superior product for general sculpting. I still used milliput for the basic body shape, and beige putty for some of the mechanical accessories, but for the most part he's all GS. After reading the discussions on the Yahoo sculpting list about the different properties of various proportions of blue to yellow, I decided to experiment with them (sometimes by accident). You can see that many of the details on the shirt have a higher yellow content, and they were indeed much easier to shape. For once I find myself looking at the finished sculpt and not just hoping that it will look better when it's painted. Part of that I think is that the green putty is less translucent than the beige, and its opacity and color makes it easier to see details on the sculpt. Mostly, however, I think the more rubbery nature of gs makes it easier to make smoother shapes with less effort.

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