Ben's Miniature Gallery

This is a gallery of my painted miniatures. Feel free to email me with any comments or questions.


Cowboy Bounty Hunter (sculpt) added Sep 23, 2005
I was trying to come up with a subject for my next sculpt, and kept drawing a blank. I didn't have any specific characters that I needed, and no new exciting poses really jumped out at me. One of the things that has bothered me about my sculpts so far is the somewhat rigid and boring anatomy that my sculpts have ended up with. they're fairly conservative and realistic in proportion, which isn't really the norm for miniatures in this scale. I decided to try something to expand my anatomical horizons.

I was looking for reference images for extremely fat men on the internet, and found it surprisingly difficult. I ended up going more or less from memory. I started from the feet up again, which seemed to work well last time. I flashed out the legs until they looked right, even though many of the folds and details would be covered by clothing. I wanted to make sure the clothing would drape believably over the underlying body. In this case, I also had to do all the belt details before working on the torso, as the belly would have to partially obscure those details later.

I wasn't sure exactly what sort of person this guy was going to be when I first started doing the design sketch, but somewhere along the way it struck me to dress him up in western-style clothing. you can see the detailing on the boots in these pictures, though the upper body proved to be even more fun to do.

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