Ben's Miniature Gallery

This is a gallery of my painted miniatures. Feel free to email me with any comments or questions.


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Woman With Bastard Sword added Sep 23, 2005
I've had this mini for a long, long time. I stripped her down and repainted her at one point when I was too cheap to buy new minis.

category: /ral_partha | permanent link

Woman With Axe added Sep 23, 2005
She's another fairly plain looking woman, but at least she doesn't get mistaken for a man. This shield looked like it wanted a more Viking sort of design, so that's what it got.

category: /ral_partha | permanent link

Windblown Wizard added Sep 23, 2005
A nice demure wizard in earth tones.

category: /ral_partha | permanent link

Woman Drawing Sword added Sep 23, 2005
Another female warrior I picked up long ago to increase gender diversity. I repainted her at one point mainly to paint her shield.

category: /ral_partha | permanent link

Town Guard added Sep 23, 2005
These guys get a lot of use as (naturally) town guards. The guy in blue was my very first attempt at plaid. Also, he has experimental heraldry on his shield. One of the crossbowmen is for some reason a Freemason.

category: /ral_partha | permanent link

Thieves' Guild added Sep 23, 2005
Not much to say about these guys, except that the guildmaster is awfully shiny for someone who's supposed to be stealthy.

category: /ral_partha | permanent link

Tattooed Necromancer added Sep 23, 2005
This guy gets quite a bit of use playing evil wizards and clerics. His big bald head just screamed for tattoos.

category: /ral_partha | permanent link

Swashbuckler added Sep 23, 2005
Until recently, this was pretty much the only fencer type mini I had. I have always been very pleased with the paint job on him, though I need to get around to touching up the chip on his hat.

category: /ral_partha | permanent link

Female Thief added Sep 23, 2005
Even though she's not the best painted, this leather clad lady gets a fair amount of use. She often gets cast as a shadow when I need more than one.

category: /ral_partha | permanent link

The Shadow added Sep 23, 2005
This elvish (I think) warrior was repainted at one point and ended up a little dark. I was in need of something to portray a shadow, and he was immediately typecast for life. Whenever I need a shadow, wraith, or what have you, he gets tapped.

category: /ral_partha | permanent link

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