The World of Freeport
Names in Freeport
Races of Freeport
Religions of Freeport
New Feats
New Feats

These feats are detailed in Freeport: The City Of Adventure:

Born Marine Drac Bloodline Filthy Francisco Bloodline
Greater Improved Initiative Intellect Fortress Pearl Diver Press Ganger
Razor Tongue Scoundrel's Luck Skill Expertise Skill Finesse
Troll Blood

The following feats are specific to the Freeport Forever campaign:

Suri's Grace
Your faith is strong enough to protect you from foul magics.
Prerequisite: Member of the Surian faith.
Benefit: You gain a +2 divine bonus to all saving throws versus spells and spell-like abilities.

You have a knack for navigating by the stars.
Prerequisite: Wilderman
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus to all Intuit Direction and tracking related Wilderness Lore checks at night.