About Ben
Ever since the earliest days of personal computing, the art of programming has been a fascination. Elegant design and efficient algorithms turn dreams into reality.
Web Apps
Meridies Order of Precedence
The purpose of this app is to track the awards given in my regional chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism, a historical recreation organization. It was designed to be easy to host on any platform and to be maintained with a minimum of specialized skills. It uses Javascript, PHP, and a MySQL database, and integrates with Google Drive for image file storage.
SCA Artisans Database
This app is used to provide information about artisans in the Society for Creative Anachronism, a historical recreation organization, including their awards, home group, and fields of interest. It uses Angular2 and a Firebase realtime database. It also uses d3 visualizations for describing relationships between people.
Mobile Apps
One Track Mind
This is an iOS app created for the simple purpose of playing one song at a time from a playlist, a feature not available in the native Apple music player.
Run The Gauntlet
This is a game I built using React on top of a Firebase realtime database. The goal of the game is to train teams of robot pilots by developing a set of skills and attributes in a well balanced fashion. Parts of the game make use of custom d3 visualizations
Dungeon of a Thousand Rooms
This is a roguelike adventure game written as an exercise in learning Python. It started out as teaching my son about programming and snowballed into a playable game.